All dressed up …
All dressed up and nowhere to go
Solo exhibition
Art in isolation project
Fitzroy, Collingwood, Carlton, Brunswick 2021
“All dressed up and nowhere to go” aims to raise awareness of the unprecedented impact of COVID-19 threatening the communal sustainability and cohesiveness of the live music industry. The series was captured using 35mm and 4x5” large format black and white film during Melbourne’s sixth lockdown. Comprising streetscapes of live music venues and creative spaces in Fitzroy, Collingwood and Brunswick, the A0 street poster exhibition showed in the same areas. Although lifting lockdowns and broadening roadmaps brought much-needed relief, Melbourne's live music sectors remained in dire straights. Created as an ISO-Art project, the exhibition was shared in support of live music sectors and community. “All dressed up and nowhere to go” was generously supported by Plakkit. Installation view photographs courtesy Plakkit.