Inner city kid

"Fitzroy" was captured with my Graflex Speed Graphic 4x5" large format press camera (c1940) using Ilford FP4 Plus BW film. The Graflex is my favourite camera as it is compact (by large format standards) and easy to carry when cycling. While there are two stories related to this photograph, I would like to share one today. Growing up in Melbourne's inner north, "Fitzroy" reminds me of walking home from school with the heat shimmering off the cobbles or kicking through ankle-deep puddles in the rain, of playing footy, sharing bags of lollies with mates bought from cashing in empty coke bottles, sneaking off for cigarettes and generally goofing around. These lanes were the backyards for city kids growing up in the 1970s. The photograph is from my ongoing series "Bike paths of Melbourne".

Zo Damage 2020, “Fitzroy”, scan of 4x5” negative


MABF 2023, NGV


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