Time signatures
Titled “Time signatures”, this photograph of A Gazillion Angry Mexicans playing at Whole Lotta Love in 2018 is a personal favourite. Resonating sound, energy and rhythm, “Time signatures” represent freedom of the creative process and the power of the live music experience. Captured on 35mm film, it is an in-camera multi-exposure. The overlaps span three frames, as shown in the original negative below.
“Time signatures” is part of my STILL series and exhibited as a 60x14” archival pigment print. Nearly everyone that viewed the work presumed the image was a Photoshop montage. It is interesting to consider how images are perceived in light of technology.
Zo Damage 2018, “Time signatures” negative
Zo Damage 2018, “Time signatures” (A Gazillion Angry Mexicans, Whole Lotta Love), 35mm in-camera multi-exposure