NYD 2024

Every year on the 1st of January, I embark on a special journey with my 4x5 camera equipment to capture photographs that, for me, reflect hope, new beginnings and endless possibilities. This year, I cycled along the Maribyrnong trail in Melbourne's west and was fascinated by the beautiful shapes encountered. The photographs are part of my ongoing series “Bike paths of Melbourne” (2020 –).

Zo Damage 2024, Untitled (North Melbourne II/Maribyrnong trail), in-camera multi-exposure negative. Captured with Graflex Speed Graphic 4x5 press camera

Zo Damage 2024, Untitled (North Melbourne II/Maribyrnong trail). Scan of in-camera multi-exposure negative captured with Graflex Speed Graphic press camera

Zo Damage 2024, Untitled (Melbourne/Maribyrnong trail crossing). Scan of 4x5 negative captured with Tachihara large format field camera

Zo Damage 2024, Untitled (North Melbourne III/Maribyrnong trail). Scan of in-camera multi-exposure negative captured with Graflex Speed Graphic press camera


Whose truth


Happy new year